The Beauty of the rose is legendary; it is probably the most planted shrub in the West. Taking care of roses is about timing: Why?
- maximize nutrient uptake
- maximize health
- maximizing flowering

The timing of watering, nutrient uptake, pruning and weeding delivers the most satisfying results in a healthy, vibrant plant.
Flowers grow on new wood/growth, so proper pruning is a must! Start winter pruning now. Your pruning should promote vibrant new growth, or your flowers will come out on spindly branches and twigs, minimizing the beauty of the flowers. Pruning for the upcoming season should be 1/3 to 1/2 of last season's growth, except for climbers. Clean debris (leaves and petals) and discard or put into a mulch pile.
Remove all dead wood, as well as wood that has no healthy growth on it. Remove all the suckers that grow on the under-stock (not the kind that are of the rose variety), but be careful not to remove new growth; suckers usually have a distinct difference in foliage/leaf size and shape, as well as the size of the thorns.
Cut the cane back so that there are two sets of five leaflet leaves when cutting flowers. This should be considered pruning as well.
There are different types of roses. The following are some of the modern roses:
- Hybrid Teas
- Grandifloras
- Floribundas
- Polyanthas
- Miniature roses
- Shrub roses.
You can always call us at (520) 751-0232 for more information, check our website, Ground Effects Landscaping, or find us on Facebook at Ground Effects Landscaping.
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