Monday, November 28, 2011

Ground Effects Landscaping, Tucson's newest entry in electronic education!

With landscape companies performing so many different functions, it has become a huge investment for many people who don't have the time to follow up and/or follow though with "what's best" for their landscaping needs. Ground Effects Landscaping has the crews and supervisors that will take away the confusion and nurture your landscape to look its best!

We will be providing you with links, tips and information on this blog as well as on our Facebook page at This page is designed with you, our clients and potential clients in mind to address the unique needs of our Sonoran Desert.

1996 Award from ALCA.
The fact is, with the merging of Horizons West Landscape Contractors, Ground Effects Landscaping has been working on water sustainability and indefinitely sustaining landscapes long before the recent green phenomena occurred. Our award winning irrigation systems have been prominent in awards since the mid-90's.

With cold weather approaching, it is time to start thinking about irrigation systems ...

  • Are they being properly maintained
  • What are the water timers set for
  • Are the valves properly wrapped
  • Are any leaks visible
These are some of the things you want to look for. If you have any questions, please call our office for a consultation.

We are going through some very interesting growths here at Ground Effects, and we look forward to sharing more information as time moves forward. If you have any questions, please click and like our Facebook page and we will get your questions answered.